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Hamz CAD


# HAMZ CAD *Be one of the first servers to have the latest in CAD development. A fast, simple and enjoyable experience with little to no la...

Hamz Forms


# HAMZ FORMS *Application Portal for Discord Communities. A simple & enjoyable experience to make your community standout from the rest!* ...

User Reviews

Product: Hamz CAD 5/5

“I must say that this is the best CAD I have everrrrrrr used in my life. makes life so much easier when you dont have to give people departments and everything like t”yxukia

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Product: Hamz Staff Panel 5/5

“Best staff panel sooooo easy to use but so hard to setup thank to bzisniper and hamz they helped me all the way ”Yousef A.

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Product: Hamz Forms 5/5

“I Love the forms! We used to use just google forms but it made us like every other server and i did not like that now i got our own website for our applications with”Outcast Oppurtunist

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Product: Hamz Forms 4/5

“The product is pretty good, I do see only a few bugs but besides that, it's a really good product. ”Smith❤

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